*Membership & Gym Etiquette at D&G Performance Gym*

We would like the gym to run as smoothly as possible for our members, so we have some rules that we would like you to abide by. We do reserve the right to terminate your Membership immediately if you do not abide by these Membership Rules.

As a Member of the Gym you agree to:

It is mandatory that all must complete a physical activity readiness questionnaire before using the gym.

The gym membership entitles you to full use of the gymnasium.

 Use must your QR code every time you enter the Gym.

▪Do not use Chalk in the gym!

Do not share or allow others to use your membership as access, this will results in termination of membership.

If a first-time gym user, you are advised to attend an induction before using the gym (inductions can be booked via a personal trainer). If you are a seasoned gym user and are happy to proceed without an induction, this is on your own accord.

Wipe down equipment after you have used it.

Not eat on the gym floor.

Replace equipment back onto the racks after you have finished with it.

Not drop or throw weights down on the floor (including in the free weights area).

Wear suitable sports clothing and footwear when exercising (denim, bare feet, flip-flops, boots are unsuitable) and please DO NOT come to the gym in dirty work wear or footwear!

Use the gym facilities and equipment in a proper manner and not in a way that might cause harm to yourself or others (just ask a PT if you are unsure).

Not engage in any exercise activity that may be potentially harmful to you or others.

Not use, block or interfere with fire, emergency or disabled access doors or alarms (except in a genuine emergency).

Not behave in an aggressive, abusive, intimidating, anti-social or threatening manner or in a way that might cause distress to staff or Members.

Not conduct any paid Personal Training business with other Members.

Put your litter in one of the bins we provide.

Not enter our premises whilst intoxicated.

Not engage in any type of criminal behaviour whilst on our premises.

Not cause misuse or cause damage to the premises.

Not go into staff office, or upstairs unless advised by one of the Directors/PT’s.

Members/visitors are to be considerate of neighbouring properties and keep noise levels to a minimum when entering and leaving the gym either by vehicle, foot or bike.

▪Do not prop the front or rear doors open at any time!

Thank you.